Friday, June 17, 2011

*Just A Little Bit Of Life*

Last night was pretty boring. I just sat around and did nothing. Watched some T.V., read, and ate. That was pretty much my night. I hope tonight is not boring. Well, we have a fire planned here hope it doesn't rain and hope quite a bit of people show up and we all have a good time. Kassandra can't come because she has to babysit her little brothers. Well I get to see her Monday and we going to have a lot of fun!!! Can't wait!! I hope to hang out with a few other friends next week before I leave, hope that happens. I really want to see a bunch of people before I leave. I am going to miss everyone, but I am going to have a bunch of fun at camp while I am surroned by great people!!! Only 9 days!!!! Excited but sad at the same time. And today has gone good which I had something to do. It's just been boring like always. Watching T.V.  went with my brother to a friends house to get wood for tonight's fire!! Can't wait to hang out with people and forget about stuff that is happening and going on right now in life. Hope you all are having a good day and hope you have a good Friday night!!!!

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