Wednesday, June 15, 2011

*Up Early For Once*

I woke up this morning by my phone going off. It was a text from my best friend saying that she had a question for me, I was like half awake and texted her back "ok ask". She asked if i had a bonfire last night and i said yes and she was like well i didn't get invited and i said which is true, we randomly started it cause people randomly showed up at our house. which is true. She thought i was mad at her because I didn't invite her and all this. and i just get annoyed with it because she always thinks that I am mad at her, but i'm not. And now she is going on about stuff. I really just don't want to be in the middle but I know I am always going to be. But lately me and Kassandra have been able to talk things out which is a good thing because usually it's just fights and we just blow up on each other. So it's nice to talk things out and not have a big fight. Well i guess friends always fight, but we fight a lot and it's usually over stupid stuff. But i guess we will just have to work on that. So last night I stayed outside talking to my drunk neighbors till like 1 and they were just talking about a lot of random things. I really was not listening to them. lol and I wish my boyfriend would of stayed, but I know he needs his sleep since Monday night he didn't get much. So, I am up early today and the only reason I am up this early is because my phone went off and woke me up. Well today I am proably going to do nothing like always, I think tomorrow I might hang out with some friends. Which will be good, cause i need to get out of my house. been cooped up in here a lot and I need to get out!! lol. Well I'm going to go eat, I'm so hungry!!! Talk to you all later!!!! :)

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