Thursday, June 9, 2011

*Happy But Confusing Days*

The last couple of weeks have been pretty much awesome but confusing at the same time. I have gotten out of school and summer is starting, love is in the air. I am loving sleeping in and staying up all night! I really love all the summer bonfires and smelling burning fire outside in the morning. And my brother has graduated from high school and that means I will be the Senior next year. I am totally ready for it and to get out of that place but I know I really will miss it. Then everyone is asking where do you want to go and what do you want to do!! So many options, so I have no clue. I have always wanted to do the whole teaching thing but now I am really starting to like music and stuff so i have no clue. And for the college I have said Western in the past but I really don't know anymore I am exploring my options!!! So, I have a boyfriend and I am starting to spend a lot of my time this summer with him. Since we have been dating (2 weeks) we have seen each other everyday!! Which is a good thing for me, but I think my friends are starting to not like it so much. But I guess I will have to work that out and set my pritiories!!! I am leaving in 20 or something days for music camp which lasts a month so I hope that does not do anything to your love!! I hope this is not just a summer love!!! I really want it too last!! I love him!!!  And I am so glad school is over and done with for this year  just hope next year does not creep up too soon!!! I hve mixed feelings about going away this summer to camp, I just really want to get away from here and go somewhere where I have people always supporting me and love the same stuff I do!! Then there is the thing that I will miss my family and friends a lot!!! and espicaly Joey!!! But I love LSM and all the people there so I will be right at home without some things!! But I hope all goes well. I just will have to deal with all that when it comes!! So I'm just living life in the moment and trying not to think about the future!!!! hope everyone is enjoying summer!!!
Not Your Normal Everyday Girl

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