Friday, June 24, 2011

*Excited, But Sad*

Didn't post yesterday, sorry!! Was busy packing and shopping for stuff for camp. I can not wait to go and see everyone, I haven't seen in a year!!! But I am going to miss my boyfriend, and my friends. I can talk to them everyday, so I'm good. And plus I will come back to them, the people at camp, I only see a month out of the whole year. So I am getting super excited, (a little sad) about camp. I really am so excited to see everyone and make wonderful music and just be in a place where there will be no drama and just be all about faith and music. I really wish it was not fro that long though. I remember the first year I went to LSM I was so scared and didn't know anyone. I really didn't do much that year. I really was just homesick. I think I was too young to go. I really didn't do much in lessons, and I just didn't feel the connection in everything. I was really debating on going back, but I am sure glad I did!!!! My second year I made a lot of friends and was really not that home sick, and was just really happy. I loved the clarinet person and I loved band. I really just loved it. Then my third year, I was just really happy to be there and just really loved it and I had the friends that I made the year before, and also made new ones. I was surrounded by people that loved the same things I did and there was just no drama!!! I loved it!!! But I really did not like my roommate that much that year. But I got over it and just lived with it. I loved my pod/counclsing group. But then my friends from the year before where on a different floor so I became friends with all of there pod buddies. I loved it and most of those people are returning this year. I really can't wait to see everyone!!!! So pumped!!!!!!!! Joey is going to go with us to drop us off this year!!! I think it is going to be different because I have never had someone else come with us, it was just always me and mom. But I bet I will cry when they leave!!! I really am going to miss him!!! And I hope he knows that. Even though I will be surrounded by people and might not have a lot of time to do much, he will always be on my mind. I really will miss him, but the thought that he might cheat will always be in the back of my mind. Cause I don't know what he is doing. When I am here, he is usually with me, or working, so i don't know I just hope he can stay true to what he promised me!!! It is really stressing me out that I am going to have to leave him!! But I guess I will just have to get over it!! Well, I better get to sleep, I have to be up sorta early to go get my senior pictures. Then more shopping and packing!!! Then Sunday I am off!!! Good night everyone, hope you have a good day tomorrow!!! :)

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