Friday, June 10, 2011

*Just A Lazy Day*

Today is a big lazy day for me. I have only walked out of the house to get the mail. I have done nothing all day. My brother is gone to my Uncle's until tommorrow so the house has been all mine today. Which is really nice. But then again it is not cause it gets so boring and really quiet.I wish I had something to do. My boyfreind is at work so he not here. Then my freind Kassandra was starting stuff and saying that Joey is using me and stuff and it kind of makes me mad that she says that kind of stuff. But I know he is not that type of person!!! I know that he would never do that he is not that low of a person. Oh well as for the rest of the day I am just going to sit and not do much of anything and hope to see Joey tonight! I have not yet talked about my dad, but I am going to start. My dad and my are divored and have been since 2007. I did not talk to my dad until a couple of years after they got a divore and I was the one to contact him, and I thought it should of been the other way around. Then he got a new girlfriend and stayed with her for awhile. Then they broke up and he started interenet dating and met a girl that lived in Ohio and went out there to live with her. I really disliked his decision. Then they got married and  I really disliked this but he never asked for me or my brothers option on it. Then now  lets just say I really have not talken to him in a while. and when I do it's not for long and I call him!!! But it's whatever anymore I have gotten over it just nice to type it all out and express my feelings. Well I might be back later, but I don't know. Well hope you all have a good day.

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