Sunday, June 19, 2011

*I Love You This Big*

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. Well, Friday night was a blast!!! We had a big bonfire and had a bunch of people there and it was nice to talk to everyone and get stuff off my mind. Well, then me and Joey went on a walk because we had to talk some stuff out. But, we got it all figured out and we are good now!!! Also, Friday night we had fun at the neighbors, we were over there till like 2 in the morning. We finally came home and ended up staying up till like 5:30 talking about life. It was nice to talk about stuff, I really haven't talked about before, mostly my past. It was just really nice to get stuff out. Well then Saturday I slept most of the day away. Didn't wake up till like 12 then did much of nothing all day. Then went to my Uncle's campfire last night. Had fun chatting and had a smore!!! YUM!!! My mom was really making me mad yesterday because she was saying crap about how I don't care, but I do and she just makes me mad when she says that cause she knows that I love her and always will. I love her a lot!!!!! I just hope she knows that. Well, back to last night, after we came back from my uncle's campsite, Joey came over and we hung out and had fun. We went outside for awhile and laid on the couch out there cause it was so hot inside but then it got really buggy so we came back inside. We had fun talking and just being together. I leave in a week, and I still have mixed feelings about going. I am going to miss everyone here especially my boyfriend and best friend. But I can't wait to see all of my camp friends and have fun with them all month. I am going to be surrounded by people so I don't think I am going to have many home sick feelings. But I might!!!!! So today I have been doing nothing, sleeping has been it. I woke up at like 11 for a couple of hours then feel back asleep until like 4 it was nice to get some sleep since I have not had much at all, because Joey has been keeping me up all night. Well I am going to go for now!! Honesti is going to come hang out for awhile, going to be glad to see someone other then family. Well I don't know if i will be on in the next couple of days cause Kassandra is going to come over and we are going to have so much fun. I can't wait till tomorrow!!!!!!! I get to spend 2 days with her I am super excited!!!!!!! :)

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