Friday, June 24, 2011

*Excited, But Sad*

Didn't post yesterday, sorry!! Was busy packing and shopping for stuff for camp. I can not wait to go and see everyone, I haven't seen in a year!!! But I am going to miss my boyfriend, and my friends. I can talk to them everyday, so I'm good. And plus I will come back to them, the people at camp, I only see a month out of the whole year. So I am getting super excited, (a little sad) about camp. I really am so excited to see everyone and make wonderful music and just be in a place where there will be no drama and just be all about faith and music. I really wish it was not fro that long though. I remember the first year I went to LSM I was so scared and didn't know anyone. I really didn't do much that year. I really was just homesick. I think I was too young to go. I really didn't do much in lessons, and I just didn't feel the connection in everything. I was really debating on going back, but I am sure glad I did!!!! My second year I made a lot of friends and was really not that home sick, and was just really happy. I loved the clarinet person and I loved band. I really just loved it. Then my third year, I was just really happy to be there and just really loved it and I had the friends that I made the year before, and also made new ones. I was surrounded by people that loved the same things I did and there was just no drama!!! I loved it!!! But I really did not like my roommate that much that year. But I got over it and just lived with it. I loved my pod/counclsing group. But then my friends from the year before where on a different floor so I became friends with all of there pod buddies. I loved it and most of those people are returning this year. I really can't wait to see everyone!!!! So pumped!!!!!!!! Joey is going to go with us to drop us off this year!!! I think it is going to be different because I have never had someone else come with us, it was just always me and mom. But I bet I will cry when they leave!!! I really am going to miss him!!! And I hope he knows that. Even though I will be surrounded by people and might not have a lot of time to do much, he will always be on my mind. I really will miss him, but the thought that he might cheat will always be in the back of my mind. Cause I don't know what he is doing. When I am here, he is usually with me, or working, so i don't know I just hope he can stay true to what he promised me!!! It is really stressing me out that I am going to have to leave him!! But I guess I will just have to get over it!! Well, I better get to sleep, I have to be up sorta early to go get my senior pictures. Then more shopping and packing!!! Then Sunday I am off!!! Good night everyone, hope you have a good day tomorrow!!! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

*Fall For You*

Well, sorry about not posting these last few days!!! I have been hanging out with my best friend Kassandra. We defiantly needed the bonding time before I leave. Well those days were filled with a lot of up and downs. I realized that my boyfriend really did not treat me right and I can't believe it took me that long to realize it. I broke up with him, but then we got back together the next day. I made him promise a few things before we did though. And I am glad I am back with him, some people think that we shouldn't be back together but it is my choice and I really don't care what other people have to say about it.  Well, the days with Kassandra was so much fun, I really don't want to leave her. I am going to miss her, and hanging out and being really hyper together, and always eating pizza rolls. We always have a lot of fun when we are together. We are the peanut butter and jelly to a sandwich. You can't have the sandwich without each other. We are like sisters and are always there for each other and always will. We fight but that is what sisters do and I love her a lot and I love how she is always there for me even if she don't like the decision I make. I love her to death!!!! Well, then the whole boyfriend thing. I just had to do it that night. I just really couldn't take it anymore. I really couldn't handle being treated like that. Then I realized that I really did like him and how he came back and begged me to take him back was really the thing that said that he loved me!!! And now I love him even more!!!!!!! Well, I have to go pack and get ready for camp which I leave for on Sunday, I really don't want to leave Joey and Kassandra, but I will talk to them everyday!!! But I am super excited to see everyone and have fun with everyone and play some awesome music together!!!!!! Well, better get to packing!!! Talk to you all later!!! :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

*I Love You This Big*

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. Well, Friday night was a blast!!! We had a big bonfire and had a bunch of people there and it was nice to talk to everyone and get stuff off my mind. Well, then me and Joey went on a walk because we had to talk some stuff out. But, we got it all figured out and we are good now!!! Also, Friday night we had fun at the neighbors, we were over there till like 2 in the morning. We finally came home and ended up staying up till like 5:30 talking about life. It was nice to talk about stuff, I really haven't talked about before, mostly my past. It was just really nice to get stuff out. Well then Saturday I slept most of the day away. Didn't wake up till like 12 then did much of nothing all day. Then went to my Uncle's campfire last night. Had fun chatting and had a smore!!! YUM!!! My mom was really making me mad yesterday because she was saying crap about how I don't care, but I do and she just makes me mad when she says that cause she knows that I love her and always will. I love her a lot!!!!! I just hope she knows that. Well, back to last night, after we came back from my uncle's campsite, Joey came over and we hung out and had fun. We went outside for awhile and laid on the couch out there cause it was so hot inside but then it got really buggy so we came back inside. We had fun talking and just being together. I leave in a week, and I still have mixed feelings about going. I am going to miss everyone here especially my boyfriend and best friend. But I can't wait to see all of my camp friends and have fun with them all month. I am going to be surrounded by people so I don't think I am going to have many home sick feelings. But I might!!!!! So today I have been doing nothing, sleeping has been it. I woke up at like 11 for a couple of hours then feel back asleep until like 4 it was nice to get some sleep since I have not had much at all, because Joey has been keeping me up all night. Well I am going to go for now!! Honesti is going to come hang out for awhile, going to be glad to see someone other then family. Well I don't know if i will be on in the next couple of days cause Kassandra is going to come over and we are going to have so much fun. I can't wait till tomorrow!!!!!!! I get to spend 2 days with her I am super excited!!!!!!! :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

*Just A Little Bit Of Life*

Last night was pretty boring. I just sat around and did nothing. Watched some T.V., read, and ate. That was pretty much my night. I hope tonight is not boring. Well, we have a fire planned here hope it doesn't rain and hope quite a bit of people show up and we all have a good time. Kassandra can't come because she has to babysit her little brothers. Well I get to see her Monday and we going to have a lot of fun!!! Can't wait!! I hope to hang out with a few other friends next week before I leave, hope that happens. I really want to see a bunch of people before I leave. I am going to miss everyone, but I am going to have a bunch of fun at camp while I am surroned by great people!!! Only 9 days!!!! Excited but sad at the same time. And today has gone good which I had something to do. It's just been boring like always. Watching T.V.  went with my brother to a friends house to get wood for tonight's fire!! Can't wait to hang out with people and forget about stuff that is happening and going on right now in life. Hope you all are having a good day and hope you have a good Friday night!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

*Never Say Never*

Last night was fun i got to hang out with my boyfriend which was nice and that was about all I did last night. So today, I did not get up till 2 but that is with waking up off and on from 6 to 11. Well I have not been doing much since then hung out with a few people that stopped by the house. Took a shower and then sat and did nothing. Well I have been looking through my dress clothes for camp and see what I need. I really dislike packing. I kinda started packing today some of the clothes that i won't wear in the next week. Right now I am excited and sad about going to camp. I am excited because i get away from all the arguing, and I get to see all my camp friends. But I'm sad because I am going to leave my family and friends for a whole month and won't get to see them!!! and especially since I have a boyfriend this year!! It's going to really different!!! But i can still talk/text them everyday so I'm good. Without my phone at camp I would die. Well have to go for now might be back later!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

*Random Pictures*

I am going to share some random pictures with everyone, To show you some of my life. When I post pictures a lot of them will be of me. Or me with my best friend Kassandra or Joey.
 This is a picture of me and my best friend Kassandra. We were hanging out and she decided to put crazy make-up on me and this was in the bathroom of me trying to get it off and her taking pictures. But I love her!!!!!!
 This is a cute picture of me and Joey. I added the words but they are true. I love him!!!!!! :)

*Up Early For Once*

I woke up this morning by my phone going off. It was a text from my best friend saying that she had a question for me, I was like half awake and texted her back "ok ask". She asked if i had a bonfire last night and i said yes and she was like well i didn't get invited and i said which is true, we randomly started it cause people randomly showed up at our house. which is true. She thought i was mad at her because I didn't invite her and all this. and i just get annoyed with it because she always thinks that I am mad at her, but i'm not. And now she is going on about stuff. I really just don't want to be in the middle but I know I am always going to be. But lately me and Kassandra have been able to talk things out which is a good thing because usually it's just fights and we just blow up on each other. So it's nice to talk things out and not have a big fight. Well i guess friends always fight, but we fight a lot and it's usually over stupid stuff. But i guess we will just have to work on that. So last night I stayed outside talking to my drunk neighbors till like 1 and they were just talking about a lot of random things. I really was not listening to them. lol and I wish my boyfriend would of stayed, but I know he needs his sleep since Monday night he didn't get much. So, I am up early today and the only reason I am up this early is because my phone went off and woke me up. Well today I am proably going to do nothing like always, I think tomorrow I might hang out with some friends. Which will be good, cause i need to get out of my house. been cooped up in here a lot and I need to get out!! lol. Well I'm going to go eat, I'm so hungry!!! Talk to you all later!!!! :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

*Roller Coaster Night*

Oh my!!! Last night was a night of up and downs!!! Which I hate. But I guess it had to all come out at sometime and I'm glad I got it all off my chest. I feel a lot better about the things I got off my chest. I really just wish that I could learn to stand up for myself , which after last night I think I might just do that. I think I should be doing the yelling at people I don't like or have something to say too, instead of having someone else do it for me. I just hate to be in the middle of things, but I am putting myself there and so I am not going to do that anymore, I am going to stand up for myself. Well I just have to learn how to do it. Well I have had the whole house to myself today and doing nothing much. just sitting around and watching tv and having fun lol!!!! Well see you later!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

*Summer Nights*

Sitting outside. It is really buggy out and it is really starting to bug me!! Oh well I guess I could put bug spray on, but I don't feel like getting up and going inside. Joey and Jeff are working on lawnmowers!!! lol I sitting here watching and listening to them. Now I am inside watching tv and sitting here!!!! Well I get the whole house to myself tomorrow because Jeff and mom are going to Indiana to a college visit and I really don't feel like sitting in a car with them for 5 hours. So I am going to do not much of anything tomorrow. So talk to you then.

*Something More*

So last night we had a bonfire at a friends house!! It was pretty fun, glad I went. My friend Cassie was there, I have not talked to her in forever, so it was nice to see her and catch up on some things. I just really didn't want a certain person there, but then I got reasured that he is not going to do anything with her and I hope he doesn't cause he knows what will happen if he does. And I love laying outside with him till morning and talking to our drunk neighbors!!! lol what a night it was. Then when we woke up this morning he left and I went to sleep and didn't wake up till around 12:30 when the dog started barking and now I'm here and then I have to go mow out at my Grandma's house then idk hope to do something tonight!!!!!! A

Sunday, June 12, 2011

*Another Day*

Hello There!! Sorry I did not blog yesterday had a lot going on which I will explain!!! Yesterday I got my senior pictures done!!! Can't believe I am already going to be a Senior and can't believe I am going to graduate next year. Then after I had my pictures taken(which I can't wait to see) we went to Shawn's graduation party. Shawn is my brother's best friend. I had fun there we played bean bags and had a good time. I then went to Rock Falls with Shantell to drop off morgan and then we went to Shawn's grandparents house to have a Bonfire!!! Which was fun laughed a  lot and got my mind off things. It was nice to get to hang out with people and just drop whatever is going on in my mind and have a good time and laugh and just have fun. Then while we were out Shawn's cousins wanted to go to a Shaved Ice place in Sterling so we did. It was my first time eating shaved ice and it was amazing. Then on our way back we were jaming to some Chicken and Busicts and just laughing and having a good time. Then we got back to Shawn's grandparents we stayed for awhile then went back to Shawn's house and had food (which was really good). And while we were up there I made Joey come up and he did. Then we came back to the house and hung out for awhile which was good just to be with him cause in 2 weeks I won't see him for a month. Because I am going to camp(which I will explain more later) to camp for a month and won't be able to see him. Then he left later and then I went to bed. I was on the run yesterday so I had no time to blog. And today I slept in till about 1 or so which is late I know but I need my sleep because Joey always keeps me up late. I hope to see him tonight and I hope to see my best friend Kassandra soon before I leave and hang out and do girl stuff. Well hope the rest of the day goes good hopefully!!!! Might be back later!!!! :) Here are some random pictures I would like to share with everyone!!

 This is a picture of me and Joey(my boyfriend).
 This is another picture of us two that my friend Kassandra edited and put the words on!!!
This is a picture of me and my brother Jeff. This was taken awhile ago. We fight but I still love him. It will be really different without you when/if you go off to college.
This is a picture of me and my best friend Kassandra!!! If we are not together we are usually in contact someway or another. We are like sisters even tough there are times when yell at each other or get mad at each other we are still always going to be there for each other!!! Love you!!!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

*Just A Lazy Day*

Today is a big lazy day for me. I have only walked out of the house to get the mail. I have done nothing all day. My brother is gone to my Uncle's until tommorrow so the house has been all mine today. Which is really nice. But then again it is not cause it gets so boring and really quiet.I wish I had something to do. My boyfreind is at work so he not here. Then my freind Kassandra was starting stuff and saying that Joey is using me and stuff and it kind of makes me mad that she says that kind of stuff. But I know he is not that type of person!!! I know that he would never do that he is not that low of a person. Oh well as for the rest of the day I am just going to sit and not do much of anything and hope to see Joey tonight! I have not yet talked about my dad, but I am going to start. My dad and my are divored and have been since 2007. I did not talk to my dad until a couple of years after they got a divore and I was the one to contact him, and I thought it should of been the other way around. Then he got a new girlfriend and stayed with her for awhile. Then they broke up and he started interenet dating and met a girl that lived in Ohio and went out there to live with her. I really disliked his decision. Then they got married and  I really disliked this but he never asked for me or my brothers option on it. Then now  lets just say I really have not talken to him in a while. and when I do it's not for long and I call him!!! But it's whatever anymore I have gotten over it just nice to type it all out and express my feelings. Well I might be back later, but I don't know. Well hope you all have a good day.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

*Happy But Confusing Days*

The last couple of weeks have been pretty much awesome but confusing at the same time. I have gotten out of school and summer is starting, love is in the air. I am loving sleeping in and staying up all night! I really love all the summer bonfires and smelling burning fire outside in the morning. And my brother has graduated from high school and that means I will be the Senior next year. I am totally ready for it and to get out of that place but I know I really will miss it. Then everyone is asking where do you want to go and what do you want to do!! So many options, so I have no clue. I have always wanted to do the whole teaching thing but now I am really starting to like music and stuff so i have no clue. And for the college I have said Western in the past but I really don't know anymore I am exploring my options!!! So, I have a boyfriend and I am starting to spend a lot of my time this summer with him. Since we have been dating (2 weeks) we have seen each other everyday!! Which is a good thing for me, but I think my friends are starting to not like it so much. But I guess I will have to work that out and set my pritiories!!! I am leaving in 20 or something days for music camp which lasts a month so I hope that does not do anything to your love!! I hope this is not just a summer love!!! I really want it too last!! I love him!!!  And I am so glad school is over and done with for this year  just hope next year does not creep up too soon!!! I hve mixed feelings about going away this summer to camp, I just really want to get away from here and go somewhere where I have people always supporting me and love the same stuff I do!! Then there is the thing that I will miss my family and friends a lot!!! and espicaly Joey!!! But I love LSM and all the people there so I will be right at home without some things!! But I hope all goes well. I just will have to deal with all that when it comes!! So I'm just living life in the moment and trying not to think about the future!!!! hope everyone is enjoying summer!!!
Not Your Normal Everyday Girl