Friday, September 30, 2011

Just one of them days!!!

Oh I just wish everyone was treated fairly... I just hate how people pick favorites! I just really hate being stressed out.... Really wish school was done and over with already!!! Can't wait to get out that place!!! :( Sometimes I wish life wasn't this hard... But i guess I will learn from it in the future!!! :/ so that's been my day!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Homecoming Week!!!

So this week has been awesome because it's homecoming and who doesn't love homecoming!!! I love it!!! I think it's the best part of the year... You get to dress up and be goffy along with the rest of the people in the school. It's so much fun!!! But I think I don't like about homecoming week Is float building because my class is dumb and we don't have people that show up to help so it just goes's stressful.. But tonight was pink night for volleyball which is where we raise money for breast canaer and this year it was aganist erie(our biggest rivals) and it was pretty much amazing.. We had the cheering sections battling it out.. While we didn't win, it was still a lot of fun... And we all went out on the floor after the game and broke it down as panthers, that's why I love our school!! Then the parade tomorrow night and football game Friday then dance saturday!!! So exciting can't wait!!!! :) well I should probably get done sleep, so night everyone! <3 :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

First College Visit :)

So today I went to western Illinois university for a college visit. It was very over welling with all the information that they were giving me all at once. But I really liked the campus, I just don't know if I want to go to a college that is that big. But I loved the edcaution major progam, just hope I get accapted. And I have other schools I want to look at. I just don't know where I want to go yet. But I better get on that so I can start applying. I just hope I don't get in
to college and take hard classes and fail. And I hope I would like living on campus. Well I better get some sleep, so night. :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

*Monday July 18, 2011-Day 23 of LSM*

It's so sad!!! This is the last Monday at LSM this year!!! It is so sad. I hate it!!! I wish that I could never leave this place. I love it here!!! I wish all the people lived in one area, cause it sucks to be all spread out then you can't see each other during the year!!!! :( Well me and Karina live pretty close, so we will probably see each other during the year!!!! But today has been hard because I have been so tired!!! I didn't go to bed till midnight last night because me and Adele were up talking about life!! And I just can't take my mind off the whole Joey thing. I wish we weren't separated this long, but it's whatever anymore. It happened, it's over. I saw it coming eventually anyway. Then Band was amazing today!!! We were in the CFL and Rahab sounded amazing!!!! LOVED it!!!!! Can't wait for the concert!!! Then this afternoon I had my lesson which went pretty well. I have some stuff to work on and just put the final touches on my solo. So I guess all my hard work has paid off. And then I talked to Vicki, she said she was going good, but she is still in quite a bit of pain, but not as much as before. Then I talked to mom and seen how hte weather was there, same as here, hot as ever!!! I think like 105 degrees!!! It's crazy!!! I am going to be so sad, when I leave here, cause I'm going to miss all the people and music and just the experience. I would really love to come back next year, but we will see how everything goes, and see if it works out or not. But I am kind of excited to go home and see everyone and stuff, but it's o.k. I will miss this more!!! I love this place and wouldn't be the person I am today without LSM. I love it a lot!!!!! And everyone thinks I'm crazy about going away for a month to a camp just to play music. But I tell them no I'm not, because it's so awesome you don't understand!!! This is a once in a life time experience. That is totally amazing. If I never have come here, I would I not be he person I am today at all!!!!
 Me and Karina Day 23
 My toes with green underneath and blue crackle on top!!!! Amazing!!!!! Karina got it in the mall form her aunt!!! :)
Me and Maryanne!!!!!! Oh how I miss you!!!!! :)

*Sunday July 17, 2011-Day 22 of LSM*

Well the student recital on Friday was amazing. Then I could not fall asleep. But it's' OK. I made it through Saturday.The talent show and dance was amazing last night. I went crazy and everyone accepted that. I love it!!!!!!!! Then I didn't go to bed till late!!! So I was really tired today!! But I got though it. Me and Karina went to the pool today because it was so hot!!! Like 100 degrees no joke!!! Oh well then there was meetings about groups to do stuff for festival week. Then dinner was good. I had a wrap, pizza and a salad. Awesome!!!! Oh they had chicken nuggets for lunch today!!! So exciting!!!! LOL!!!! Then the recital was amazing like always. ad now I am going to bed!!!! TTYL!!!
 Me and Karina Day 22
 Pool :)
 Me and Marissa!!!!! Waiting for service group meeting to start!!! :) <3
Me and Karina at the pool!!!!!! :) Love this girl to death!!!!!!!! <3

Monday, August 15, 2011

*Saturday July 16, 2011-Day 21 of LSM*

This day I did not write in my jouranl again. So I will wing it. We didn't have morning stuff today, becuase we don't on Saturday's, which is nice so we don't have to wake up so early. So this morning I slept in and then had Class Piano at 9:30 which is not that bad. Then Small Ensemble after that. Then lunch and recreation through out the day. Then we had dorm devotions and then dinner. And then the Talent Show/DANCE!!! Oh what a night that was. The talent show was amazing, everyone here has such amazing talent, besides music, even though most of it was, it was pretty amazing. I LOVED it. Oh, then the dance!!! IT was AWESOME!!!!! I went crazy!!! Like always, but here I really go crazy and do what I want. lol. It was an amazing night. :)

 Me and Karina Day 21
 So this would have to be just some of the greatest people!!! LOVE you all!!!!! :) This was before the dance!!!!
 Me and Shelbs!!!!!! Before the dance!!! LOVE her!!! :) <3
 Me before the dance!!! :)
 Me and B.!!!! LOVE her!!!! :) Before the dance!!!
 Maryann, Me, and Adele!!!!! Before the dance!!! LOVE these both and miss them even more!!! <3
 Me and Rosa before the dance!!! LOVE you girl!!!! :)
Me and my roommate (Adele) before the dance!!!!! :) Love and miss waking up to her beautiful face everyday day!!! :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

*Friday July 15, 2011-Day 20 of LSM*

Well the last couple of days have been really busy. Packed with lessons, Band Resherals, Piano Class and small ensemble and musicianship. Well my solo is coming along, just wish it would come faster. The days have been horrible, I broke up with Joey on Tuesday night, for reasons I will explain later. Well I broke up with him becasue I was getting treated like crap, and I didn't deserve that. And he seemed like he didn't want too be with me anymore. and he was always joking about breaking up with me, which pissed me off. So ya. But he wants too talk tonight, I guess I will but it's not going to chagne lmy mind. Well Tuesday's recital was amazing!!! LOVED IT!!!!! Them singing and acting!!! awesome!!! Wednesday I had small ensemble, which went o.k. Then Band, which was pretty amazing. Then I had nothing till our picture, we had to retake. Then we went and seen "Cars" in a theater in one of the buildings You could of played Capture the Flag, but I wanted to watch "Cars"!! lolz!! Then Dorm Devotions which took forever. Then yesterday I had Musicianship which was fun, we did improving. Then Band was fun, worked more on Rahab. Then I had a lesson. which went well, I have to practice my solo a lot!! Then Class Piano was fun, had to do a piece in front of the class. Then the woodwind ensemble last night was amazing. They played a Brook Joyce piece, crazy but cool. Then today I had Small ensemble, which went pretty well. Then Band was good, worked on Gouchy Bear with the soloist. It's really hard to play in Band and have a soloist because you have to really watch your instituter . Cause the tempo will always change. So ya. Then there is the whole Joey thing. I still feel for him. It will be really hard to get over it. I mean I really really did like him a lot, a lot. I am torn. I know he treats me bad, but I really like him. And now it's weird because I broke up with him here. But I will talk to him tonight. But I doubt that will change my mind. And he doesn't care, so what's the point of caring back. Oh well, I'm done with it. We have Master call tonight then student recital, should be good, can't wait!!! ttyl!!!

Me and Karina Day 20
 A random picture I took while waiting for a rectial, and it turned out pretty cool!!!
 So we decided all to take pictures while we were held back because of a storm!! And these all the best girls around!!! LOVE These people!!! :)
 This is what I get at Morning Announcements, random, but awesome!!
 Again another photo while we waited for the storm!!! But this girl right here her name is Amanda and I could go on forever about her. She is amazing and is always there for me and I LOVE her to death and I love when she stays up till late talking to me about life and telling me what I should do!!!! I just plain out LOVE her and wish I lived closer to her!! But even if we are miles apart you will always be in my heart. LOVE YOU GIRL!!!!!!

*Thursday July 14, 2011-Day 19 of LSM*

Yep, you know me didn't write in my journal again. So I'll just outline the day again. So I had musicianship again today. Oh how boring that class is like always. Then Band which was pretty awesome today, love all the songs we are playing. Then had a lesson today, went well, worked on my solo, getting nervous about it, hope it goes well. Then I had Class Piano, which I learned a lot in like always. Then the Movere Woodwind Ensemble which was amazing!!!! :) Also, today was Harry Potter day because the last movie comes out tonight at midnight. So people were dressed up and going crazy. Quite Funny!! But I love it!!!!! :)  Then evening prayer and sleep!!! :)

 Come out of Band and they are playing Harry Potter Tunes, LOVE IT!!!!! :)
 Me and Karina Day 19
Me and Karian's matching shoes!!! :)

*Wednesday July 13, 2011-Day 18 of LSM*

So yet another time where I didn't write in my journal!!! So I'll outline you of the day. Small Ensemlbe practice today went good like usually. Then Band like always was awesome and tiring!! Then nothing all day. Hung out and took a nap. Then we had to re take our group picture again because when we took it before they had a shadow on the picture and it didn't look good so they had to redo it. Then we went and watched Cars!!! Which I fell asleep in. But I love that movie!!! :) Then Dorm Devotions, which was boring like always. Then sleep!!!! :)
Me and Karina Day 18 of LSM

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

*Tuesday July 12, 2011-Day 17 of LSM*

Well, Sunday was amazing, mom came and seen me. And Joey ended up coming with her and surprising me. And the concert was amazing Sunday night. The Brass is awesome. Then Monday is when everything started happening with him. He was joking about breaking up with me and stuff. which I know is a joke, but it pisses me off, he knows that. but he don't care about it. I am starting to think that he don't like me anymore. I'm just put in so much stress in this relationship and I shouldn't. And I'm always mad or annoyed at him for something. I think it would probably be best if we broke up, because I don't feel the connection anymore. So yesterday was pretty good, I had nothing and still didn't take a nap. I should of. I am so tired today. Band went well today. I tied not to fall asleep. Musicianship was boring, but that's whatever and I'm done listening to people that don't care about me. I am going to listen to me and my heart and the people that would put me in the right place. Like the people here at LSM are amazing and I don't think I could live without them. I love them and I will defenialty keep in touch after camp. Even though some of us are miles and miles apart we will always be together in some way. Well today has been tiring and I just had my lesson, which went good, but I have to work on my solo, which is kind of hard, but it's getting there. Then I have class piano and the recital later. Can't wait, it's the singers tonight. Well I want to color so ttyl
Me and Karina Day 17

*Monday July 11, 2011-Day 16 of LSM*

Again another day where I didn't write in my journal. I'm bad at doing that, I know. lol Today was Twin Day!!! Karina was twin!!! We have matching shoes and shirts and shorts that all look the same!! Yep we are pretty awesome!!! lol :) Then small ensemble and Band, the just normal day at LSM. Then I  took a nap and practiced the rest of the day. Then band sectionals after dinner. How I hate those so much. Then the Omega String Quartet which put me to sleep like always lol. Then sleep time.

 Me and Karina on Twin day!!! and yes we partially totally look alike even down to the socks lol
 Me and Karina Day 16
Me and Karina funny pic and we didn't even mean to do the same face lol

Friday, August 5, 2011

*Sunday July 10, 2011-Day 15 of LSM*

Once again I did not write in my journal. So we had church in the morning which is boring like always but you get used to it. Then we had an all hall activity where we had to write thank you cards to the people we are assigned. I don't mind it, it's just that they take time and then your hand starts to cramp up. lol Then after that Mom came to visit. I was super excited!!!!!!! I love that she would drive all the way up there just to see me. And Joey came with her and surprised me!!!!!!! I loved that!!!!!! We hung out and went to the park and went and ate at Culver's. We also went and ate at the Sugar Bowl, I love there ice cream. lol Then we had a recital that night. Praetorius Brass which was totally awesome!!!! :) Then we had a meeting talking about the week and stuff. so ya..then sleep.
 Me and Karina Day 15
 When he came to visit!!! :)
Our cluster table a mess!!! lol
Oh you!!!! The day he came to visit again!!!! :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

*Saturday July 9, 2011-Day 14 of LSM*

Today has been a tiring day and it's only 10 a.m. I hate my teeth, they hurt really bad and I can't play a lot because of that!!! I hate it. Really just wish I didn't have to worry about them. It's just something else I have to worry about. But my solo is coming along good, and I'm glad of that. My piano class today, was taught by someone else, cause our original teacher was not there. And we actually learned something. lol!!! But last night I talked to Joey. He said he has a really bad ear efection and he was going to the doctor cause it was getting worse. I hate being away from him. It sucks, because our relationship is going down hill and it sucks. I hate it. Then I go back to school in August and so does he and we are never going to be able to see each other!!! :( Even when I get home I don't think I will be able to see him a lot, because of him working in Clinton now. And I think that we might break up, because of that and I think he might not be too much in this relationship anymore. Because he seems distance, like won't tell me anything. Ad he hasn't sad I love you in forever. So I'm starting to think that maybe he don't. Well I have to go to small ensemble so talk to you later.
Me and Karina Day 14
Day 14 Funny Picture

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

*Friday July 8, 2011-Day 13 of LSM*

Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I had a bunch of stuff going on and had no down time at all. I had my lesson yesterday, it went pretty well. We mainly worked on my solo, which is getting a little better. I really just wish that I could go home on the weekends or something, because while I am here I feel like I am missing out on a bunch of stuff at home. Like seeing my boyfriend and hanging out with everyone. Well, last night was really rough for me, because I when I tell everyone about Joey, they say to break up with him, but I like him a lot, and don't want to even though I know he treats me bad. I think it's because he is the first real boyfriend I have ever had. And I don't want to lose that. I feel like I can tell him everything and he tells me a lot. Just there is something there that tells me I shouldn't be going through this much stress just to be with him. And I am really worried about him cheating on me. Or just him hurting me to go out with someone else or something. I don't feel like our connection is there anymore, since I have been here, and I knew this was going to happen, but I hope we work though it. Cause I like him, and the thing is I don't listen to those people, I'm going to do what I want. And another reason why I am with him is cause I just want a boyfriend, and if I break up with him I wont won't find anyone, so it makes me stay with him. But I don't want to get hurt. Which I probably will, but you always do. So last night we had a cluster party. It was awesome. I LOVE my cluster!! and my counselor Amanda!!! I feel like I can go to her about anything, and she will still expect me and not back out. and I love her for that!!! Today I am really tired. I really just wish we had a day where we could sleep!!! LOL!! And today my small ensemble went pretty well, we got through the whole song, which is good, cause it's the first time. I really loved Band today, but got so tired. we went through the program. sounded amazing!! Can't wait for the concert. I love working with Dr. Dobler, he is amazing. He is really nice and really understanding when you don't get a part. Then I have been doing nothing since then . Hanging out coloring, laundry, and got on fb for a little bit. Talked to Kassandra today, she said she is probably going to be moving to p-town. I'm excited!!!! Cause we would probably get to hang out a lot more!!! and just be closer. But she was mad because I didn't ask here to come with my mom to visit. I need some time apart. I love her and everything, but she starting to get on my nerves, so this is a nice way to get away from that. But it whatever. She'll get over it. I better go and talk to Karina about getting dressed before or after dinner cause we have master classes, then right after a recital.

 This is what I woke up to outside my window this morning!!!
 Got bored so made another star-burst tower!!! :)
 Me and Karina Day 13

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

*Thursday July 7, 2011-Day 12 of LSM*

Once again, I didn't write in my journal. So here are some things. Musicianship like normal. Then band where I probably fell asleep. Then I had a lesson, which probably went good. Then class piano which was praobably amazing like always. Then all hall activity. Not for sure what we did.

 Me and Karina Day 12
Day 12 Funny Picture

*Wednesday July 6, 2001-Day 11 of LSM*

Sorry about not writing in this for awhile. Well Saturday we went to the music store in down town Decorah. It was really fun. We got to walk around and go to different stores and stuff. Then we had Dorm Devotions led by Sue since Amanda was off. That was pretty interesting. Then dinner, which was good. Then we had a movie/game night. They watched Mega Min. I didn't want to , it didn't look that interesting. So we stayed back and played games and stuff. And I got no time to practice that day at all. It was a super packed day. Then Sunday we had church, which was long and boring like always. Then I went to Dunning Springs on a hike. That was pretty awesome, I really liked it. Then we had a Factual Recital, which was amazing!!! The two piano teachers played together, and it was amazing!!!! Then we had a meeting about stuff for Monday. Then I came up and hung with my cluster, before lights out. Monday was the 4th of July!!! It was really nice to get to sleep in and then the Brunch was amazing!!!! Then we had no idea where we were going, but we went to this Bible Camp Place, where we went canoeing, swimming and played ultimate Frisbee. And also went on a wagon ride around the place. Then we went and seen fireworks at Freemen, Wisconsin, they were amazing!!! They were just as good as P-towns. I was super excited to see them since last year and the year before we didn't. Then we didn't get back till after midnight. So Tuesday was not a good day I keep falling asleep in class. Then I had my lesson, which went pretty well. Then I wanted around till Piano class, which is pretty awesome, cause I have always wanted to play piano and I'm finally learning , it's so much fun. Then we had Band sectionals, they went well, I have to work on things/spots on my own when I practice. The Faculty Recital last night was cool and weird. Brooke Joyce did this really weird thing called "Only an Expert" . Then I came back and called my mom and talked to her for awhile. Then I called Joey and he said that he was tired and we ended up hanging up early then what we usually do. We both were really tired. Then I went out to my cluster and had a dance party, pretty awesome!!!! Then today I did not want to wake up!! Pressed my snooze twice. But I;m lucky that I don't have anything today so I can sleep. I was dozing off in band today when we had a bunch of rests. Well I don't know what to do about the whole Joey thing anymore, because he is freaking out because he hasn't seen me and everything, so I don't know, I think this is making our relationship go down hill, which is bad. I'm just going with the flow, so whatever happens, happens. I'm living day to day and not really looking to far ahead in life. Well I'm going to take a nap.

Me and Karina Day 11
Funny Pic Day 11

Monday, August 1, 2011

*Tuesday July 5, 2011-Day 10 of LSM*

 Once again I did not write in my journal. But just a normal LSM day. Musicianship with Brooke Joyce, learning those solfege hand signs!! lol. Then band, and then the rehearsal set-up, I forgot to go too. lol Then my lesson. I think that went good. Then Class Piano, which I loved. and then dinner, and after dinner band sectionals which I dislike. Then another amazing faculty artist recital. Then some sleep.
Me and Karina, Day 10
Me, Laura, Jennifer, Karin, and Destiny doing the "Creep". lol what a dance party night lol

Sunday, July 31, 2011

*Monday July 4, 2011-Day 9 of LSM*

Well I did not write in my journal again. I was really busy actually. We went on Caravan this day. Which is a day where we get to go off campus, and have a good day. And this year they decided to do it on the 4th. We went to Sugar Creek Bible Camp, where we got to canoe, play fribese golf, swim, and take a hike if we wanted too. We also had a really good dinner. It was amazing. And we also had some amazing ice cream!!!! :) <3 Then we went to a little town and watched fireworks!!!! It was awesome to see them, when I have not seen them in 2 years. They were amazing!!! :) Then we didn't get till late, it was tiring, but all worth it!!! :)
 Me and Karina, Day 9
 Me, Karina, and Laura. Waiting for the fireworks to start!!! :)
 Sam, Me and Marissa. Acting silly, waiting for fireworks still.
 Adele,Me, and Karina as Twins!!! All have matching sweatshirts!!! LOVE U BOTH!!!! :)
 Oh, So this is Shelby(Shelbs), she is awesome and I love and miss her lots!!!!! :) <3
 Awesome Fireworks!!! :)
 Another picture of some awesome fireworks!!!! :)
So this person right here is the best counselor in the world!!! I love her to death!!! And she is awesome just to sit and chat about life with and she got me through some tough times, while I was at camp!! She is most cheerful and strong-willed person I know!!! She is just plane out right amazing!!!! Her name is Amanda!!!!!!! And I love her lots!!! And I miss her a whole heck of a lot!!! I miss hugging her every night and saying goodnight to her!!!!!! :) <3