Tuesday, August 2, 2011

*Wednesday July 6, 2001-Day 11 of LSM*

Sorry about not writing in this for awhile. Well Saturday we went to the music store in down town Decorah. It was really fun. We got to walk around and go to different stores and stuff. Then we had Dorm Devotions led by Sue since Amanda was off. That was pretty interesting. Then dinner, which was good. Then we had a movie/game night. They watched Mega Min. I didn't want to , it didn't look that interesting. So we stayed back and played games and stuff. And I got no time to practice that day at all. It was a super packed day. Then Sunday we had church, which was long and boring like always. Then I went to Dunning Springs on a hike. That was pretty awesome, I really liked it. Then we had a Factual Recital, which was amazing!!! The two piano teachers played together, and it was amazing!!!! Then we had a meeting about stuff for Monday. Then I came up and hung with my cluster, before lights out. Monday was the 4th of July!!! It was really nice to get to sleep in and then the Brunch was amazing!!!! Then we had no idea where we were going, but we went to this Bible Camp Place, where we went canoeing, swimming and played ultimate Frisbee. And also went on a wagon ride around the place. Then we went and seen fireworks at Freemen, Wisconsin, they were amazing!!! They were just as good as P-towns. I was super excited to see them since last year and the year before we didn't. Then we didn't get back till after midnight. So Tuesday was not a good day I keep falling asleep in class. Then I had my lesson, which went pretty well. Then I wanted around till Piano class, which is pretty awesome, cause I have always wanted to play piano and I'm finally learning , it's so much fun. Then we had Band sectionals, they went well, I have to work on things/spots on my own when I practice. The Faculty Recital last night was cool and weird. Brooke Joyce did this really weird thing called "Only an Expert" . Then I came back and called my mom and talked to her for awhile. Then I called Joey and he said that he was tired and we ended up hanging up early then what we usually do. We both were really tired. Then I went out to my cluster and had a dance party, pretty awesome!!!! Then today I did not want to wake up!! Pressed my snooze twice. But I;m lucky that I don't have anything today so I can sleep. I was dozing off in band today when we had a bunch of rests. Well I don't know what to do about the whole Joey thing anymore, because he is freaking out because he hasn't seen me and everything, so I don't know, I think this is making our relationship go down hill, which is bad. I'm just going with the flow, so whatever happens, happens. I'm living day to day and not really looking to far ahead in life. Well I'm going to take a nap.

Me and Karina Day 11
Funny Pic Day 11

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