Tuesday, July 26, 2011

*Tuesday June 28, 2011-Day 3 of LSM*

 Today is the first day of regular classes and stuff. I can't wait for band to start. I am also excited about my small ensemble. It is going to have 3 clarinets and 3 flutes. So exciting. Can't wait. I will probably fall asleep in musicianship again this year like always. I really wish I could actually fall asleep on time at night. Oh well, I have time during the day to nap(hopefully). I talked to mom last night before I went to bed. She wants a long sleeve t-shirt, which I can get her. And I want a sweatshirt!!! Then, I also talked to Joey last night, before going to bed. Which was really nice. He was like talking to other people also, which really annoys me, but at least I could hear his voice. He told me that I shouldn't let him go, because that's what I am always doing. I said I'm sorry but I don't want to get yelled at. lol!! He said to try to call him tonight, I said I'll try if I have time. Me and Kassandra talked things out yesterday, which is nice, instead of yelling at each other and getting into a big fight. Well I better head off to breakfast, ttyl!! Later that day I wrote again.. So band was amazing!!! It was cool to be back with Dr. Dobler and have his joke of the day again!! And all the songs we are playing are pretty awesome!! I am super excited to work on it all and have fun with it!! I have a lesson(my first) at 1:30!!! So excited to learn a lot more this year. I also had small ensemble today!! that was pretty cool. I am in it with 2 other clarinets and now 2 flutes. So cool to get to play with flutes. The duo sounds amazing together. And when we all sing Luther's Morning Prayer in the morning it sounds amazing. When you come here everything that you sing sounds like a real choir is singing it everyone just sounds amazing. And I also love that everyone gets along, and there is no drama at like a normal high school. I love it here!!! But I also miss everyone back home. But you are with these people for only a month. And your with people from home all year long. So it's not that bad. And it's nice that I get away from mom and jeff for awhile because it feels like when we are all home there is a lot of tension in the house. So it's nice to get away from that for awhile. But I really miss Joey!! I talked to him last night, but it's not the same as in person. Well, I better get off to my Lesson. Later that day.... Well, my lesson went pretty well. WE talked about where I was from and all that. Then she fixed my clarinet cause something was off. Then we went through some solos, I might play fro Festival week and she showed me how to actually hold my clarinet right, which I didn't know I was doing anything wrong but my had was all crunched up so I have to fix that. But then I went and got a sweatshirt and water bottle at the LSM store. SO glad to have another hoodie!! Have not gotten one since my first year. Now I have to go to class Piano. I hope I learn quite a bit. Looking forward to it, since I don't know anything about it.  Later again that day... Class Piano was really fun!! I loved it!! It was exciting to learn how to play since I have always wanted too!! I just wish we could go to bed earlier then 10:30, because right now I am super exhausted. Again later... Evening prayer was amazing like always!!! Well I tried calling Joey, but he didn't answer, I'll try back later!!!

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