Thursday, July 28, 2011

*Saturday July 2, 2011- Day 7 of LSM*

I didn't actually write anything on this day in my journal. But this was the day we went to down town Dechorah and went to the music store and got to explore the down town area. That was really fun!!! Then that night we could watch a movie or stay in the dorms and play games. I stayed and played games. Then we had dorm devotions that night. I hate how they take forever. Then we went to sleep.

 This is Me and Karina drinking our milkshakes from the"Sugarbowl" in down town Decorah!!!!!
 This is Me and Karina's Daily Picture!!! Day 7
 This is me and Karina again in downtown Decorah at the book store with some awesome books!!! lol
 Karina, me, and Crystal in downtown Decorah!!!! :)
 My pod!!!! I love these people so much!!!!!! <3
Me, Laura, and Karina!!! Love you girls!!! :)

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