Sunday, July 31, 2011

*Monday July 4, 2011-Day 9 of LSM*

Well I did not write in my journal again. I was really busy actually. We went on Caravan this day. Which is a day where we get to go off campus, and have a good day. And this year they decided to do it on the 4th. We went to Sugar Creek Bible Camp, where we got to canoe, play fribese golf, swim, and take a hike if we wanted too. We also had a really good dinner. It was amazing. And we also had some amazing ice cream!!!! :) <3 Then we went to a little town and watched fireworks!!!! It was awesome to see them, when I have not seen them in 2 years. They were amazing!!! :) Then we didn't get till late, it was tiring, but all worth it!!! :)
 Me and Karina, Day 9
 Me, Karina, and Laura. Waiting for the fireworks to start!!! :)
 Sam, Me and Marissa. Acting silly, waiting for fireworks still.
 Adele,Me, and Karina as Twins!!! All have matching sweatshirts!!! LOVE U BOTH!!!! :)
 Oh, So this is Shelby(Shelbs), she is awesome and I love and miss her lots!!!!! :) <3
 Awesome Fireworks!!! :)
 Another picture of some awesome fireworks!!!! :)
So this person right here is the best counselor in the world!!! I love her to death!!! And she is awesome just to sit and chat about life with and she got me through some tough times, while I was at camp!! She is most cheerful and strong-willed person I know!!! She is just plane out right amazing!!!! Her name is Amanda!!!!!!! And I love her lots!!! And I miss her a whole heck of a lot!!! I miss hugging her every night and saying goodnight to her!!!!!! :) <3

*Sunday July 3, 2011-Day 8 of LSM*

Once again I did not actually write in my journal this day. So I will just touch on a few things that happened. Today was the first Sunday worship. And it was amazing. loved it!!!! Then some reaction and a trip to Dunning Springs and a hike!!! And some practicing along with that. Then a faculty artist recital in the evening.
So... we were meeting to go on the hike and noticed that we were a rainbow so we took a picture. lol
 Awesome Dunning Springs!!!!!

Me and Karina Day 8!!
Another picture of Dunning Springs!!!! :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

*Saturday July 2, 2011- Day 7 of LSM*

I didn't actually write anything on this day in my journal. But this was the day we went to down town Dechorah and went to the music store and got to explore the down town area. That was really fun!!! Then that night we could watch a movie or stay in the dorms and play games. I stayed and played games. Then we had dorm devotions that night. I hate how they take forever. Then we went to sleep.

 This is Me and Karina drinking our milkshakes from the"Sugarbowl" in down town Decorah!!!!!
 This is Me and Karina's Daily Picture!!! Day 7
 This is me and Karina again in downtown Decorah at the book store with some awesome books!!! lol
 Karina, me, and Crystal in downtown Decorah!!!! :)
 My pod!!!! I love these people so much!!!!!! <3
Me, Laura, and Karina!!! Love you girls!!! :)

*Friday July 1, 2011-Day 6 of LSM*

Yay!!! It's finally Friday!!!! Oh my last night was a very emotionally for our cluster. Everyone was pouring out their stories. I feel like I should tell my story. I will one of these days. Well  my lesson went pretty well yesterday.  It was awesome to see what I'm doing wrong. I picked a solo. It's kind of hard. But I'll work on it a LOT!!!! I am going to go swimming today hopefully. I really am starting to think about life a lot more, since I am here at camp. I really just wish I could go back home on the weekends or something like that. I just really miss Joey. I wish he could come up with my mom, but I don't think that will happen.  And I don't even think my mom is going to come because I am busy every weekend, well I'm going to lunch. Later.... After lunch, I did much of nothing. I went and practiced a bit. I'm good for now. My solo is pretty hard, it's going to take bunches of work, but that's OK. I need something to do. lol. Then we were going to go swimming but it was late so we didn't But I'm super tired. Can't wait to fall asleep tonight. I also can't wait to talk to Joey tonight, because I didn't get to last night. But it's OK. I still text him and stuff. So I got to go. ttyl.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

*Thursday July 30, 2011-Day 5 of LSM*

Today has gone good, wish I could get more sleep here. I hate not having sleep then I get really tired during classes and start falling asleep which is a bad thing. Last night concert was amazing they had someone play violin, he was pretty awesome. Then someone played the steel drum thing , it was pretty cool, cause I never have even seen one before. Then we came back and had a meeting about where to go in case of a storm. Then we all went to our clusters. I called my mom then went and chated with my cluster. Then I called Joey. He didn't want me to hang up, but I had to because it was lights out. but I stayed up till like 11:30 just laying there because I couldn't fall asleep. So I'm super tired today. I might take a nap after my lesson today. Then I have class piano today. That should be fun. I really miss home. I miss all our bonfires and hanging out with Joey and Kassandra. And just living life. I just miss people too. And just doing whatever I want. Here I'm forced to do things, you don't want to do. And most of your day is wasted by classes and stupid stuff. I mean I love it here just not as much as home. I love how I'm not bored it's just the thing of being home that I miss. I better get off to my lesson.

*Wednesday June 29, 2011- Day 4 of LSM*

 Today has gone pretty good. Glad to be in my classes and stuff. I really need to practice, but I'm really tired. Band was amazing, we also have band again tonight, instead of having sectionals. We are going to go over one of the pieces that is really long, but really cool. I'm excited to see what it is all about. I should be napping before lunch today (right now), but I just can't, maybe later. Well I think I might try and take a little nap.

*Tuesday June 28, 2011-Day 3 of LSM*

 Today is the first day of regular classes and stuff. I can't wait for band to start. I am also excited about my small ensemble. It is going to have 3 clarinets and 3 flutes. So exciting. Can't wait. I will probably fall asleep in musicianship again this year like always. I really wish I could actually fall asleep on time at night. Oh well, I have time during the day to nap(hopefully). I talked to mom last night before I went to bed. She wants a long sleeve t-shirt, which I can get her. And I want a sweatshirt!!! Then, I also talked to Joey last night, before going to bed. Which was really nice. He was like talking to other people also, which really annoys me, but at least I could hear his voice. He told me that I shouldn't let him go, because that's what I am always doing. I said I'm sorry but I don't want to get yelled at. lol!! He said to try to call him tonight, I said I'll try if I have time. Me and Kassandra talked things out yesterday, which is nice, instead of yelling at each other and getting into a big fight. Well I better head off to breakfast, ttyl!! Later that day I wrote again.. So band was amazing!!! It was cool to be back with Dr. Dobler and have his joke of the day again!! And all the songs we are playing are pretty awesome!! I am super excited to work on it all and have fun with it!! I have a lesson(my first) at 1:30!!! So excited to learn a lot more this year. I also had small ensemble today!! that was pretty cool. I am in it with 2 other clarinets and now 2 flutes. So cool to get to play with flutes. The duo sounds amazing together. And when we all sing Luther's Morning Prayer in the morning it sounds amazing. When you come here everything that you sing sounds like a real choir is singing it everyone just sounds amazing. And I also love that everyone gets along, and there is no drama at like a normal high school. I love it here!!! But I also miss everyone back home. But you are with these people for only a month. And your with people from home all year long. So it's not that bad. And it's nice that I get away from mom and jeff for awhile because it feels like when we are all home there is a lot of tension in the house. So it's nice to get away from that for awhile. But I really miss Joey!! I talked to him last night, but it's not the same as in person. Well, I better get off to my Lesson. Later that day.... Well, my lesson went pretty well. WE talked about where I was from and all that. Then she fixed my clarinet cause something was off. Then we went through some solos, I might play fro Festival week and she showed me how to actually hold my clarinet right, which I didn't know I was doing anything wrong but my had was all crunched up so I have to fix that. But then I went and got a sweatshirt and water bottle at the LSM store. SO glad to have another hoodie!! Have not gotten one since my first year. Now I have to go to class Piano. I hope I learn quite a bit. Looking forward to it, since I don't know anything about it.  Later again that day... Class Piano was really fun!! I loved it!! It was exciting to learn how to play since I have always wanted too!! I just wish we could go to bed earlier then 10:30, because right now I am super exhausted. Again later... Evening prayer was amazing like always!!! Well I tried calling Joey, but he didn't answer, I'll try back later!!!

*Monday June 27, 2011-Day 2 of LSM*

This is the first full day of LSM. It has gone really good. Nice to be back with everyone and get to hear everyone sing together is amazing. At evening Prayer last night, it was awesome to get to hear that sound again. I am having a lot of fun already this year. I really just wish that Kassandra would get off my back. Ever since yesterday she keeps texting me and stuff. Because she is mad at me cause of the whole Joey thing and I guess that is is mad when he came to my house when she was over. I told her that I didn't even know he was coming which I didn't But I am like whatever anymore, cause I am happy with him and I love him, so that's all that counts. If she is not happy with him, sorry, but it's my choice not yours. And if she doesn't like that choice, then get over it or get out. And I'm really missing everyone back home especially joey. I have a picture set up of me and him and I look at it all the time and it just makes me miss him even more. And he comae with me and mom to drop me off and I almost cried when they left. I cried later, cuase then it all set in, that I'm going to be away from him for a whole month. Well LSM, will be jam-packed and I won't have much time to worry about everything.  So, we get into the normal schelule tomorrow, so I'm glad. So excited for band!!! And I can't wait for small ensemble, it is going to have 3 flutes and 3 clarinet's, So pumped! Well I want to read so I might write later, idk!!!
Me and Karina's Daily Picture-Day 2


ok so the past month I have been at a music camp!!!! Called LSM, short for Lutheran Summer Music!!! It's kinda the best place in the world. Well I am going to tell you all about my adventure as I have it wrote in my journal. They will all be dated the day I wrote them!! But on different posts!!! Hope you enjoy!!! :) I will title them with the date that I wrote them and what day it was that i was there!!! :) Along with what I wrot e in my journal I am also going to post a picture of me and Karina!!! we took one everyday we where there!!! so I will post those too.