Saturday, February 25, 2012

*Just A Little Note*

Dear person who this may concern, First off, I know you will never read this, even know that I am writing it. But I miss you like you will never know. Everytime I hear a song that reminds me of you I have to change the channel but then you are on my mind for the rest of my day. And there is never a day where I am not thinking about you. I miss all our crazy adventrues we used to have together and all our summer nights we spent together. It just doesn't seem right without you. When I'm awake at two in the I have no one to text and tell them how i'm feeling. You used to be the person..I couldn't imagaine my life without...but now that you are out of my life...It was good for awhile...then now I really want you back...I know that will proably never happen..but just in case I see you again in the futrue...I will proabaly run to you and give you the biggest hug ever...cause I miss you more then I can ever explain...I hope your life is going as planned...mine really hasn't but I have the good times...I hope you are enjoying the life that you are living...It was really hard to just leave of the hardest things I ever had to do...and yes I balled my eyes out the whole way home after leaving you that night...I justed wanted to write this to get my feelings out...even though I know you will never see this..unless I tell you about....I miss you like crazy....And always will love you 5!!! <3
Sincerly, the girl who misses you lots <3

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