Friday, May 25, 2012

*Little Bit of Everything*

Since I last posted on here, there has been a lot going on in my life. I am going to put different things in different categories because there is so much to tell you.
*High School Coming to a Close*
So I graduate this Sunday the 27th of May 2012. I am super excited to get away from high school. I am not going to miss the concept of it. Like going to school for eight hours straight and being with the same people every day all day. One thing I am going to miss about high school is the people I have gotten close with the past years. I am going to miss seeing my best friends everyday and just talking about random stuff. I am really going to miss that. Some of the people in my class though I will not miss at all, the drama filled ones who think they are better than everybody else. I hate those people so much. I will probably not keep in contact with half my class, which is OK with me. There will be a few teachers I will miss that I have gotten close with this past year. I am going to miss being able to talk to them whenever and just let my feelings out to them and they would never go off and tell anyone. So as high school comes to a close, College is fast approaching. I have decided to go to Concorida Unversity Chicago. I picked this school because when I went and visted it had the best enverminet of peple and that was the thing that hooked me. I have already meet some people that are going there through a group the adminsters made on Facebook. I am now even more excited to get out of high school then before. I really can't wait to start a new chapter in my life/book. I really can't wait to meet new people that like me for who I am and not judge me on how I act. I am just really excited, words can't even put it to justice!!!!!!
There has been a lot going on with boys lately. I started talking to my ex again. It was a bad thing I know, but I couldn't live without my best friend. I started talking to him on Facebook then we started texting again. We talked for awhile then started hanging out again. Bad idea I know. Now I have to shut him out of my life again because something about his parents or something. I don't know. I guess there are other people that can be my best friend without having to worry about it being something more. Then there is Nic. Me and him have been friends since the beginning of this school year. We talked quite a bit and he started to became a really good friend. We talked about dating before Christmas, but he didn't want too so we didn't. I thought since that, that our realionship would never be anything more. Then we talked quite a bit more and what not. He got attached to me and I didn't to him. It is this really big thing and now that I told him that I don't have as strong as feelings for him as I had before. I never thought it would come to this but it did. So I had to tell him that I didn't have those feelings for him and now I broke his heart. I really felt bad about it, but it's over and done with and I have to move on. So I am. I meet this guy on the Facebook group for the college I am going to in the fall. He is also going there. We started talking and what not and he seems really nice but I don't know if anything happen or not, but I know if it doesn't happen with him some other guy will come along and steal my heart away. It just makes me feel a tad better about the whole NIC thing because I know there are other people in life.
That's all really that's going on right now. Also I got a job at Tyson doing summer work under maintence. Well I have to take a drug and achool test on wensday and if I pass I get hired. I will pass it will flying colors. So I have a job. I'm super excited just don't know how I feel working with Kassandra becasue lately she has been on my nerves so I hope that doesn't effect my work. Well with that I should probably get some sleep casue I have quite a bit to do tomorrow. Night everyone or should I say good morning!!! :)

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