Friday, February 10, 2012

*Can't Sleep*

Right now I can't sleep...have so much on my thought I would post on here...since I haven't in forever. Well me and my supposed to be best friend got in a big fight and really over nothing. I think she is taking a way to far because she got all upset because I was telling her the truth...I just don't understand her sometimes...And before she has yelled at me out of no where and I don't understand why I can't do the same to her...not that I would want to or just aggravates me...cause I doubt we will ever be friends again..and I tried being the bigger person and texting her and trying to work things out but she don't want too but whatever anymore ....I am to the point in life...where I just stop caring and just live life....and then I posted a status on Facebook about ready for august so I can get outta here and live it up with my Chicago friends or something and she texted me and told me that we were done and she was sorry she couldn't be good enough as the people in Chicago and you know that was actually not pointed toward her and i understanding we are fighting and everything...but every status I post of Facebook while we are fighting is not toward her.....but I might be losing a friends...but I guess its a friend that never really cared then there is this guy that I am always thinking about....he's my ex and we dated for a month and a half this summer but were partially dating before that...but we ended up breaking up while I was at camp and it just became too much for me to handle and idk just didn't want it to hurt me I broke up with him...then when I got home from camp we talked but not much...until the beginning of August and we hung out  a few times and ended up dating again...but it didn't feel like anything was then we ended up saying it wasn't right but we would still be friends so we stayed friends but we would hang out and hanging out with someone you still have feelings for leads to something everytime we hung out even just as friends we ended up kissing and just made me want a realsiosnhip again with him...and then I knew I wasn't going to get it and I needed to move on...I told him one day that I needed to take myself away from I did I deleted his number out of my phone..deleted him off facebook...teared up pictures....everything...I was done...but now I realized he was my best friend and I kinda made a mistake that now I lost the person who knew secrets that even some of my other best friend's I have known longer have not known...but I have stayed true to myself and have not contacted him or nothing...ya I have thought a lot about him.....a lot of stuff reminds me of him...but I know it will be better in the that's what is what is best....but I better get some sleep....night everyone.........:( One week for sure

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