Sunday, July 29, 2012

*Summer Before College*

This was the summer I had been looking forward to it, since my freshmen year. Now that I am here, it was nothing that I imagined it would be. In less then a month I will be leaving the place that was my safe heaven. Now that I realize it, I have a lot of different emotions going through my head. First of all, I am really excited (have been since I decided where I was going). It will be nice to get out and explore what else the world has to offer and get out of this town. Second, I am really scared. I am scared that I might not make it, that I am going to fail. I am also nervous, mostly about how I am going to do socially and if I can make friends or not. And, also, I am  very sad to leave all the friends that I have became close with over the last four years, escially the ones that I have became close with this past year/summer. I am just a world wind of emotions and not for sure what to do. I want to jump for joy, but at the same time I want to sit and cry my eyes out. And now I am not sure what I want to do with my life. I always thought I wanted to be a teacher, but now I really have no clue what I want to do. I really hope I find what I want to do soon so I am not taking the wrong classes. I just don't know anymore. This summer I have gotten close with some new friends and the other ones have slipped away a bit. I don't know if it is for the better or not, but we will see soon enough. I just really hope I can get through the next couple of weeks because I am going to be really busy and just want to spend all my time at home, but I can't because I have a job. I hate that this summer is slipping away from us too fast, but I know that soon enough I will be starting a new chapter in my book. Well, I guess that's all for now. Talk to you all soon.

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