Friday, December 7, 2012

*First Semester of College*

Time is now winding down and it is at the end of my first semester of college. Crazy, I know right. It felt like just yesterday that I was so excited to go on with a new chapter in my life and now I am living it and already through the first semester. Before I know it I will be done with my first year. I really can't believe how amazing this semester has been though. It has had it's ups and downs that's for sure. It really has had it plus's though. I have meet so many different people and have got to be involved with so many different things. I have met a boy who has become my boyfriend. I am involved with Cougar Band and that's how we met. I am also involved with CAC, which is Colleges against Cancer. That has taken up some of my time and got me to know some upper class man. I also played Frisbee a couple of times, I got to know some people that way. I also met people while in my classes or at work. I have met so many different people, I really don't think I could name them all. I also have grown as myself as a person. I have learned a lot about myself that I didn't know. I learned that even though I have drank before, I don't wan to here. I have learned that I must stick to my true feelings and never have someone pure pressure me in to something I don't want to do. I also learned that I am the person who likes to meet new people and I am really am a people person. I have also learned how to balance life. I have learned to balance work, classes, my social life including my boyfriend and sleep. I had a hard time and still kind of am balancing them all out, but I know I will sooner or later have it all well balanced  I think right now my most important thing is getting through classes and getting through this first year of college with the best grades that I can possible. I want to hang out with Zach (my boyfriend) a lot, but I know I can't because I have homework that I have to do. I really like him though, he is totally different then anyone I have ever dated in a good way. He has been so good to me and I am so glad for him. If he hadn't come into my life I bet I wouldn't of been able to make it through this semester. He is already a big part of my life even though we haven't been dating that long. I know I shouldn't get wrapped up in things this fast, but things just feel right. Overall, this semester has been amazing and I am so glad that I chose to come here. I really don't think I would be happier anywhere else. Goodnight everyone. :)