Friday, September 30, 2011

Just one of them days!!!

Oh I just wish everyone was treated fairly... I just hate how people pick favorites! I just really hate being stressed out.... Really wish school was done and over with already!!! Can't wait to get out that place!!! :( Sometimes I wish life wasn't this hard... But i guess I will learn from it in the future!!! :/ so that's been my day!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Homecoming Week!!!

So this week has been awesome because it's homecoming and who doesn't love homecoming!!! I love it!!! I think it's the best part of the year... You get to dress up and be goffy along with the rest of the people in the school. It's so much fun!!! But I think I don't like about homecoming week Is float building because my class is dumb and we don't have people that show up to help so it just goes's stressful.. But tonight was pink night for volleyball which is where we raise money for breast canaer and this year it was aganist erie(our biggest rivals) and it was pretty much amazing.. We had the cheering sections battling it out.. While we didn't win, it was still a lot of fun... And we all went out on the floor after the game and broke it down as panthers, that's why I love our school!! Then the parade tomorrow night and football game Friday then dance saturday!!! So exciting can't wait!!!! :) well I should probably get done sleep, so night everyone! <3 :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

First College Visit :)

So today I went to western Illinois university for a college visit. It was very over welling with all the information that they were giving me all at once. But I really liked the campus, I just don't know if I want to go to a college that is that big. But I loved the edcaution major progam, just hope I get accapted. And I have other schools I want to look at. I just don't know where I want to go yet. But I better get on that so I can start applying. I just hope I don't get in
to college and take hard classes and fail. And I hope I would like living on campus. Well I better get some sleep, so night. :)